Consultation on the Aix-Marseille-Provence Territorial Food Project: taking advantage of a territory's agri-food wealth on a local scale by involving all stakeholders
On 17 October 2016, the Metropolitan Council unanimously voted in favour of the principle of initiating the development of a Territorial Food Project (PAT) at the Bouches-du-Rhône level. This project is co-sponsored by the Syndicat Mixte du Pays d'Arles, and supported by the Département des Bouches-du-Rhône. The aim of the PAT is to make a major contribution to the organisation and future of a territory with 2 million inhabitants and 150,000 hectares of Useful Agricultural Area to promote the production and consumption of healthy, sustainable, local food. It is a process that has been co-constructed with the public and private players in the region.
To carry out a territorial food project that is co-constructed and shared by all stakeholders
To mobilise the whole population through the organisation and facilitation of forums and workshops
In addition to the methods and techniques for facilitating a stakeholder management and consultation process, this mission was an opportunity to carry out a geolocalized inventory of the territory's initiatives using the participatory map of the Jenparle digital consultation platform