Internal dialogue with the employees of the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie: feeding the reflection on the organisation of working time
The management of the CPAM Bas-Rhin decided to involve all of the organisation's employees in the overhaul of its working time organisation. The aim was to create the conditions for a dialogue between employees on the issue of working time, with a view to a new flexitime agreement.
The purpose of this collaborative dialogue was to provide food for thought and discussion between management and the trade unions during future negotiations on this subject.
To allow all employees (1,000) to express themselves and thus to have an accurate and thorough vision of the points of view present in the company while leading a collective reflection
Bring out the points of divergence and convergence
To come up with concrete and innovative ways of working for the management and the trade unions
Access to dialogue for all employees, through a digital and face-to-face debate system, the former feeding into the latter
The production by employees of operational proposals on the organisation of working time, intended to feed into the social dialogue
The use of the open forum method of facilitation allowing employees to define the subjects they wish to discuss collectively concerning the organisation of working time