Concertation in the Maladrerie district
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Consultation as part of the rehabilitation and renovation of 891 housing units in the Maladrerie district of Aubervilliers

Customer: OPH Aubervilliers, RIVP

The Maladrerie sector, comprising social housing and artists' studios, is located in the Emile Dubois-Maladrerie district of Aubervilliers. Designed in the late 1970s by architect Renée Gailhoustet as an architectural utopia, the district is characterized by its strong heritage dimension.

As part of the NPNRU (Nouveau Programme National de Renouvellement Urbain) program for the Emile Dubois-Maladrerie district, the 891 lots that make up this sector will be the subject of residentization and rehabilitation operations starting in 2024. The owner, OPH d'Aubervilliers, is selling 38.5% of the lots to RIVP (343 lots). These operations are designed to address the many problems facing the district (run-down housing; unclear ownership; habitability of dwellings; energy flaws, etc.).

Res publica is responsible for devising and implementing a consultation and mobilization strategy tailored to the specific problems and challenges of the area (original heritage, public excluded from consultation mechanisms, etc.), in a context of conflict.

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