Consultation on the future of the Allées de Tourny in Bordeaux Métropole
The Allées de Tourny, despite their central position in the heart of downtown Bordeaux, their size of 2.5 hectares and their characteristic 18th-century architectural heritage, are under-used and empty most of the year. Aware of their potential, the Mayor of Bordeaux has decided to make their redevelopment one of the major emblematic projects of his term of office. Anxious to involve citizens in the project, the City and the Metropolis, which are co-financing the project in equal shares, decided to carry out a large-scale consultation at a very early stage, so that the results could feed into the specifications sent to a designer currently in the process of being appointed. Res publica was chosen to organize this essential consultation process.
Ten or so interviews with City and Metropolis departments
Drafting the consultation strategy
Convention training program design
Organization and facilitation of 14 consultation events in 4 months: 3 public meetings, 3 local meetings, 2 breakfasts with economic players, 2 meetings with children, 1 walk-workshop, 1 "ambition" workshop, 1 internal workshop with agents, 1 workshop with institutional partners.
Preparation and processing of an online questionnaire , available in local town halls
Coordination with 3 subcontractors on innovative actions: graphic facilitator, street comedians, video booth
Drafting of an intermediary "diagnostic" summary and an assessment of the consultation process