Res publica is a company with a mission

Since its Annual General Meeting in June 2024, Res publica has been a company with a mission. Our team has defined our company's raison d'être, i.e. what we wish to contribute to society and to the transition. We have made commitments to this end.

The process by which Res publica became a mission-driven company involved all team members in working sessions and workshops from July 2023 to June 2024, as well as representatives of our external stakeholders.

Res publica's raison d'être is defined as follows:

For a fair and sustainable society,
we bring to life dialogues that are useful for the decisions that concern you.

Our statutory commitments are set out in the Res publica Manifesto, which also sets out our vision and convictions.

Res publica société à mission
Res publica société à mission

Why is Res publica a company with a mission?

Res publica's job is to organize dialogues to promote the practice of democracy in everyday life. We have therefore decided to reinforce our commitment by affirming in our raison d'être what constitutes our social and political usefulness.

Our practices, methods and techniques must be constantly tested to ensure that they remain operational in the service of our customers and their stakeholders. This is one of the distinctive features of our business: we owe quality of service to our customers and loyalty to their stakeholders.

Photo by the Res publica team

Our status as a company with a mission enables us to organize more formally the relationship between Res publica and its external stakeholders, including the indirect beneficiaries of our services (citizens in the public arena, employees in companies). We work with these stakeholders to strengthen our ties with society and provide a service that goes beyond the services we provide.

By formalizing our commitments in a collectively-designed and regularly-evaluated action plan, our teams are able to make continuous and controlled progress, receive training, take a step back and gain perspective on their day-to-day work, and reflect more deeply on their professional practices.

How can we ensure that Res publica is faithful to its mission?

The PACTE law provides for a number of mechanisms and devices to ensure that the mission is respected and that the company's raison d'être remains its compass.

A Res publica Mission Committee monitors the execution of the company's mission. It is a steering body that complements the company's governance and whose purpose is to submit suggestions and proposals to improve the execution of the mission and its statutory objectives.

The Mission Committee comprises 9 members:

Each year, the Mission Committee will produce a mission report presenting all the actions carried out as part of the mission. The first publication of this report will take place in September 2025.

Res publica's mission is audited by an OTI (independent third-party organization) represented by Gérard Schoun.

Res publica is a member of the Community of Mission Companies.

Photo by the Res publica team
Res publica logoArrow to the left