Concertation Grand Est
Ronan James, DGEFP

Concertation for the elaboration of Transition and Ecological Recovery Pacts (PTRTE) in the Grand Est: recovery in the territories in a transition perspective

Client : National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT)
In progress

In a context of health, economic and ecological crises, the Government wished to accompany the recovery in the territories, in a perspective of ecological, demographic, digital and economic transition, by creating the CRTE (also called PTRTE in the Grand Est). Within the framework of the agreement with the ANCT, Res publica and Eurogroup Consulting assisted 11 small rural territories in the Grand Est region in the participative development of their Transition and Ecological Recovery Pacts (PTRTE). This support for EPCIs was carried out in close coordination with the departmental prefectures and the Grand Est Region.

Innovative dimensions of the approach
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