Citizens' conference on aid, mutual aid and solidarity: 70 citizens selected at random to draw up an opinion as part of the "Place de la Santé" approach
As part of its "Place de la Santé" initiative, the FNMF wanted to organise a national citizens' conference to answer the following questions: Under what conditions can aid and mutual aid enable us to strengthen solidarity and the social link between us all? What forms should aid and mutual aid take to achieve these objectives?
70 randomly selected participants met over three weekends to draw up a citizen's opinion on aid, mutual aid and warm solidarity. Numerous concrete proposals were submitted to the FNMF so that it could present them to its members, implement them or propose them in the public debate prior to the 2022 presidential election.
Framing and preparation of the deliberative process
Facilitation of the 3 working weekends
Monitoring and reporting of the system to the Governance Committee
Preparation, moderation and feedback of interregional workshops on the consideration of citizens' opinions by mutualist activists
Organisation of a citizens' conference by a private actor
Integration of a citizen's reflection (not necessarily customers) in the strategic reflection of the mutuality
Issue (aid and mutual aid) out of step with the FNMF's current practices, allowing it to broaden its field of reflection and even activity
Debate on health, solidarity and mutual aid with actors in the field: speed meetings with 20 witnesses
Adaptation to the health situation
Articulation between the outcome of the citizens' conference and the preparation of the congress