Hospices Civils de Lyon Convention
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Hospices Civils de Lyon Convention: a participatory approach to building the CHU's strategic project

Customer: Hospices Civils de Lyon

Hospices Civils de Lyon launched a participative process to draw up an ambitious hospital project, in consultation with all stakeholders, based on transformations already initiated and new structuring actions to be implemented, to define a roadmap for transformation over the next 10 years and invent the hospital of the future.

The aim was to renew the CHU's practices, by involving employees and partners in the construction of its strategic project, using a collective intelligence approach.

In partnership with Alcimed, Res publica supported the project team in designing a hybrid participative process to mobilize a diversity of partners and professionals, combining face-to-face Agoras and online debates. Innovative collective intelligence methods were devised for each of the Agoras and online debates, enabling possible futures to be explored and a development path for the Hospices Civiles de Lyon to be mapped out.

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